8 Ways WWE Is Catering To The Hardcore Fans Right Now

4. The Old Guard Is Being Phased Out

Kevin Owens Internet

There comes a time when every athlete has to face the reality that their career is drawing to a close.

In all sports, whether legitimate or entertainment, when that twilight starts to fall it can be a difficult thing to deal with, sometimes even more so for the team/company than it is the athlete. WWE is no different in the regard. Just take a look at the amount of veterans long past their expiration date still making appearances on the independent scene.

Vince has been incredibly reluctant to allow anyone else other than John Cena to occupy the top spot in his company, but since the Roman Reigns experiment began it felt like he was actively looking to find that replacement. Unfortunately for him and WWE’s profits, Reigns doesn’t appear to be that person – at least not yet – but that doesn’t mean he’s going to stop looking.

Cena himself has taken some time off for the first time in many, many years and has scaled back his appearances by a considerable margin. In addition to Cena, Randy Orton is being transitioned into a similar role, as are Kane and Big Show.

With the plethora of underutilised talent populating the roster, the time is right for the old guard of WWE that Vince has relied on so heavily to fall to the background and let the young, hungry dogs get a chance to eat.

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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.