8 WrestleMania 34 Spoilers We Already Know

3. Roman Reigns Will Get That Big Celebration

Brock Lesnar Roman Reigns

The same doubts some may have about Shinsuke Nakamura's chances of becoming WWE Champion don't apply to Roman Reigns and Raw's Universal Title. Reigns has been killing time until this feud with Brock Lesnar, and he's a stick-on to beat "The Beast" and become Universal Champ for the very first time.

Again, WWE sent a loud and clear message that Reigns would win by booking Lesnar to have the last laugh on the go-home edition of Raw. That F5 on the Universal Title itself was clearly supposed to make fans believe that Roman has zero chance against Brock.

Almost (if not) everybody knows he certainly does.

Reigns will beat Lesnar clean, hoist the Universal Title above his head and revel in a magnificent fireworks display worthy of New Orleans as WrestleMania 34 fades to black. It's perhaps one of the most obvious main event results in 'Mania history, and there's no MITB cash-in to stop Reigns like there was at 'Mania 31.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.