8 Wrestlers AEW Just Can't Get Over

2. Brian Cage

Brian Cage

Brian Cage should be a star. His hulking physique and ability to dish out dominance in the ring, make him the ideal, in line with the classic mould of what a wrestler should be. While we have moved away from this emphasis, and professional wrestling has become more diverse and gripping as a result, there is still a place reserved at the head table for musclebound heavyweights.

Cage came to AEW as an Impact Wrestling main eventer having held the promotion's World and X Division Championships, as well as being named X Division Star of the Year (2018).

Pairing Cage with Taz and his coronation as FTW Champion was initially inspired booking, which continued with the formation of Team Taz. It allowed Cage to hold gold and feud with the icon Sting. In the process, Cage turned face, but the fans didn't care, switching their attention to former teammate and new FTW Champion Ricky Starks.

Then came an outside factor that heavily weighed on AEW's efforts to get Cage over: that Melissa Santos clip. While we totally respect Santos for standing up for her partner, and her passion and loyalty are more than admirable, the clip was met with derision online, further hampering his ability to get over with the AEW faithful.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.