8 Wrestlers Who Could Be The Undertaker’s Mystery WrestleMania 32 Opponent

6. Samoa Joe

Another NXT superstar worthy of a shot at the Deadman is Samoa Joe, purely for his service to the business over the years. The former TNA and ROH Champion commands a hell of a lot of respect in the wrestling world, for his longevity, dedication, and otherworldly in-ring ability. He could even be regarded as The Undertaker of the indie scene, for this generation at least. Now in WWE's fold, Joe hasn't broken quickly onto the main roster as many expected. His headline match at NXT TakeOver: London proved that his skills aren't diminishing with age, and that he's still capable of working a thrilling contest. However, take the risk for Finn Balor's potential inclusion, and double it. Although Joe vs. Undertaker would make sense from a historical and symbolic standpoint, it's a total mismatch in terms of star quality. WWE probably don't have enough time to build him as a viable rival for the Deadman - but that certainly wouldn't stop me from getting very excited if it were announced?
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.