8 Wrestlers Who Did Their Finisher In Recent Movies

6. Big Show - Vendetta

Roman Reigns Spear Hobbs & Shaw

Racking up a surprisingly varied film CV over the course of 25 years on our screens, Paul Wight has popped up in everything from the side-splitting Waterboy to the far grittier Vendetta during his frequent excursions into feature-land. Hell, he even nearly rocked up in Gladiator at one point; this Show has range, I tell ya.

But it was during that aforementioned decision to lend his talents to a more violent form of cinematic entertainment in Vendetta that The World's Largest Athlete was given a chance to let rip one of his most notable weapons in the midst of a hard-hitting prison yard brawl.

As Big Show dukes it out with Dean Cain's Mason Danvers, hot on the heels of picking off prison guards and inmates with a damn rifle, the former World Champion delivers the mother of all monster chops to the leading man's chest. Now, did the sight of Danvers eating WMD's like they were M&M's leave those WWE devotees in the audience scratching their little noggins? You betcha.

But this is still the most savage Show you'll likely ever witness and makes you wonder why he wasn't presented as a merciless wrecking machine more often throughout his WWE tenure.

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Roman Reigns
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...