8 Wrestlers Who Predicted Their Own Deaths

7. Dino Bravo

Dino Bravo

Dino Bravo wrestled for over 20 years, making his name in Montreal territories working as a babyface in the '70s. He was so popular that in the early '80s a scheduled headline match between him and the face of the WWF, Hulk Hogan, at the Montreal Forum had to be rescheduled in fear of Hogan being booed out the building.

On 10 March 1993, Dino’s wife returned home to find Dino’s lifeless body as a result of seven shots to the head and ten shots to the torso in an execution style killing. Due to the fact that there was no sign of a break-in and Bravo was seated in a recliner with the TV remote in his hand at the time made investigators believe Bravo knew his killer, somebody that Bravo might have even believed to be a friend and willingly let into his house.

On Vice’s Dark Side of the Ring, Jacques Rougeau talked about how he got a call from Dino to come see him shortly before he was killed, which Jacques considered odd as they weren’t that close. He told Dino that he would come see him the next day but by then it was too late. The show suggests Dino was almost anticipating his execution, with Jimmy Hart saying, “it was like he waiting for it to happen.”


Rex Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.