8 Wrestling Finishing Moves You Could Do With One Hand
4. Scotty 2 Hotty - The Worm
If ever a move defined style over substance then it is surely The Worm.
Only in the world of professional wrestling could something like The Worm exist, where a man in a fight with another man decides to in indulge in half a minute of hopping, waving, and wriggling, before chopping him in the chest. But the thing is, the fans loved it!
Yes, The Worm makes no sense in the context of a fight. And yes it looks completely painless. But wrestling is all about the theatrics. By the time Scotty 2 Hotty delivered the puny-looking chop, the fans had already spelled out “W-O-R-M”, watched him wriggle, and then chant “Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”. They had had so much fun they were more than willing to forgive the naff payoff to all of that grandstanding.