8 Wrestling Finishing Moves You Could Do With One Hand

3. Umaga - Samoan Spike

Kurrgan Paralyser

We humans are distinguished from the apes by virtue of us having opposable thumbs. But what if we used our thumbs to behave in the manner of wild beasts? Exhibit A) Umaga, and the Samoan Spike.

Much like how I gave the Heart Punch a bit of extra credit for how cool the idea of deliberately punching a person in the heart is, I too admire the vicious concept of the Samoan Spike. Jamming your thumb into a person’s windpipe is a nasty thing to do, and you can imagine it would end plenty a fight. The sheer savagery of the move made it a perfect fit for Umaga’s dangerous wildman gimmick.

Sure, there isn’t match razzle or dazzle to the move. And on a bad day it doesn’t look much different to any vague strike to the face. But you can’t have every wrestler using the Shooting Star Press as a finisher, can you?

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Born in Essex, lives in South London. MA in Film & Literature, actor, and playwright.