8 WWE Stars Who Need To Go Back To NXT

4. Bo Dallas

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You wouldn't know it now, but Bo Dallas was quite brilliant during his reign as NXT champion.

As a bland babyface character, Bo Dallas had completely lost the respect of the audience and fans would often literally turn their back on his matches to express their displeasure.

In classic NXT fashion - and something we really wish the main roster would do more (we're looking at you Roman Reigns) - the writers harnessed the negative crowd reaction and slowly turned Bo to the dark side.

Playing a character who was oblivious to the fact that the audience hated him, he began to use the exposed turnbuckle to secure victory and throw tantrums when he didn't get his own way. Soon after losing the NXT championship to Adrian Neville, Bo was booted out of NXT.

When he appeared on the main roster shortly after WrestleMania XXX, Bo seemed to be channeling a similar sort of character, citing the power of positivity and how people should 'Bo-lieve', yet displaying heel tendencies and cheating to win.

However, pretty soon, despite how over the gimmick was with the audience, Bo was just another guy, losing to just about everyone and basically being the butt of the joke for whichever WWE legend was in town that week.

The formation of the Social Outcasts should have been the catalyst for Bo to make more strides on the main roster but WWE mostly squandered the gimmick. Nowadays, he's desperately fighting for any TV time he can get on Raw.

We Bo-lieve in Bo and we wish WWE did too. Some time back in NXT would remind people how good he is.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...