8 WWE Stars Who Need To Go Back To NXT

2. Apollo Crews

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Another superstar who was probably called up to the main roster too early.

Apollo was going great guns in NXT, with the unique combination of power wrestling and high flying that had made him stand out as Uhaa Nation on the indie scene translating well to Full Sail.

His matches with Finn Balor, Tyler Breeze, Baron Corbin and Tye Dillinger had him on a fantastic upward trajectory and most were predicting that once Balor was inevitably called up to the main roster, Crews would be one of the favourites for a run with the NXT championship.

Instead, Apollo actually beat Balor to Raw, making his main roster debut the night after WrestleMania 32 in a great moment.

The problem is, that would have actually been better had it been a one-off showing and Apollo had returned to NXT afterwards. You see, WWE have invested next to no time in developing Crews' character which means he is basically just an athletically gifted and super smiley babyface on Raw.

Besides a brief run at the Intercontinental title against the Miz in the summer, Apollo has done little of note on the main roster.

He's supremely talented in the ring but Crews would really benefit from some more time in NXT to hone his character and his promo skills, both of which will help him get over with the WWE crowd in the long run.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...