8 WWE Stars Who Need To Go Back To NXT

1. Tyler Breeze

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How did WWE get it so wrong with this guy?

With a fantastic character and renowned as one of the most reliable hands in NXT, Tyler Breeze had a great run in Full Sail. The fans loved his narcissistic heel character and knew he could be relied on to produce great matches on a regular basis.

A selfie loving 'Ravishing' Rick Rude for the modern era, Breeze was something of a big deal in NXT - if you wonder how respected he was, remember that he was chosen to face the legendary Jushin 'Thunder' Liger when the Japanese superstar made the trip to Florida.

In Full Sail, Breeze had a defined character and was given plenty of promo time to develop it.

Sadly, when he was brought up to the main roster, it's clear that the WWE writers had no such plan for how to get him over with the audience. Poor Tyler was simply sent out there with his entrance and selfie stick, while those backstage hoped for the best.

Breeze could be one of the best guys on the roster right now; imagine him feuding with the likes of The Miz or Dolph Ziggler, for instance, over the Intercontinental championship. Instead, he's a joke, thrown into a tag team with the similarly underutilised Fandango because the Smackdown writers simply have no clue what to do with him.

It's a sorry state of affairs for such a talented wrestler. He could be a star again in NXT.


Working babyface out of Mid-South in the eighties...