8 WWE Stars Who Worked (By Not Working)
6. The Rock

Nobody can claim that smiling babyface Rocky Maivia was working in 1996-97. It took a turn to the dark side as part of the Nation Of Domination before The Rock started to click with an audience who had long since tired of hand-slapping, baby-kissing good guys.
Suddenly developing a super-cool persona as heel, The Rock had charisma coming out of his ears and fans revelled in his slick put downs and catchphrases.
By acknowledging chants like "Die, Rocky, Die" and "Rocky Sucks", The Rock was able to become one of the best mid-card heels in the industry during the second half of '97. That would have been impossible had it not been for an apathetic reaction towards his 'Third Generation Superstar' gimmick of before.
By not working as a babyface originally, the creative team were forced to turn Rocky Maivia into the self-sure Rock. It took that successful run as a heel for the fans to eventually accept him.