8 WWE Stars Who Worked (By Not Working)

1. John Cena

John Cena sad

John Cena knows all too well the predicament Roman Reigns is currently going through. Cena himself was regularly on the receiving end of deafening boos during his entrance routine up until Reigns stole his crown.

The booing towards Cena has definitely lessened thanks to the rise of Roman, almost like WWE's audience have been beaten into submission. Look deeper, and it's not hard to see that those people got what they wanted.

Cena isn't booked to be the unstoppable, almost-superhuman winning machine he was since dropping the full-time schedule and acting as more of a part-time attraction who occasionally pops up to lend a hand. Now, the one-time poster boy exists in more of a supporting role.

Years of fan rebellion against the idea of Cena as a babyface have cancelled out the need for him to turn heel. What would be the point in WWE changing a thing about Cena when he's booed by the majority of the audience anyway?

Cena brings in endless merchandise sales and is guaranteed to receive a response from crowds. That, regardless of who likes him and who doesn't, is success.


What other WWE stars do you think worked despite failing to get the desired response from fans? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.