8 WWE Superstars Who Were Never Eliminated From The Royal Rumble

3. Bastion Booger

Curtis Axelmania

If you’re unfamiliar with the character Bastion Booger, bless your soul, you innocent thing you. But if you care to corrupt your own mind . . .

Mike Shaw arrived in WWE as a mad monk character named Friar Ferguson. WWE should have been able to foresee the undesirable reception that would ensue, but since they didn’t, the Catholic Church of New York punished them with loads of negative feedback. As WWE hurried to drop the character, they wanted Shaw to rush and lose the extra pounds he put on. Unfortunately, Shaw only got bigger, so WWE punished him by repackaging him as Bastion Booger. The Booger was basically an unkempt, overweight man who wore undersized singlets and jobbed to the stars. At the core of it all, the fact that he jiggled a lot in the ring deemed him entertaining to everyone within WWE but the fans.

Booger’s 1994 Royal Rumble match appearance (or lack thereof) was just one of the many times the wrestling blob was allowed to waste both the time of fans and fellow superstars. As the second performer to get cold feet before the match, Shaw never appeared when his number was called. It was explained that he could not compete due to indigestion or some other bullsh*t.

He was never entered, never eliminated, and more importantly never replaced. An appearance in the Rumble match is an opportunity for younger and lower-card talents to shine, but WWE said “to hell with that” for the sake of a tasteless fat joke.

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Curtis Axel
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