9 Annoying Types Of Wrestling Fan (That We All Know)

7. The One Who Is Embarrassed By Their Secret Habit

This poor soul wants nothing more than to simply tune into to see Brock Lesnar or perhaps order the Royal Rumble to watch Reigns clear house. But they dread the conversation that will follow if they ever have to explain why they watch what they watch. As wrestling fans, we are continuously told for years that wrestling is fake, that it's only for kids, and that it is gutter television. And the thing is that every single one of those statements is correct. For most of us, we don€™t really give a crap. For some people, unfortunately, the taunting and the shame actually sticks, as if the opinions of anybody else as to what entertainment makes you happy, matter in the least. If you ever catch this person in their shameful act, they won€™t ever embrace that they enjoy watch they are watching and that they are a fan of the medium. They€™ll make up some excuse about how they are watching it ironically, or that they liked it as a kid and just wanted to see what it was like today. They€™ll never admit to their family and friends that the simple truth is wrestling is their soap opera, and there is nothing to be embarrassed by that. After all, wrestling might be trashy, but it has nothing on the dumpster fire that is X Factor.
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Roman Reigns
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.