9 Best Martial Artists Turned Wrestlers

2. Vladmir Kozlov

After taking a good look at Vladmir Kozlov, you'd have to be crazy to actually fight the guy. Seriously, just look at that picture. He looks like he's eaten people's body parts before, and thought they tasted delicious. Before going on to some mild success in the WWE, Kozlov trained in a whole slew of martial arts styles, including Sambo, Judo, Jujitsu, and Kickboxing. He excelled most in Sambo, becoming the USA Open Heavyweight Sambo Champion in 2005, though he also became the US Kickboxing Association Heavyweight Grappling Champion. So basically, the guy is legit. The "Moscow Mauler" incorporated his martial arts training sparingly while in the wrestling ring, which is a shame, because it would've been nice to see a big guy like him showcase some more diverse attacks. Koslov has expressed interest in participating in MMA tournaments in the past, though as long as he continues his stay in the Inoki Genome Federation (a Japanese promotion), there's little chance of that happening.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.