9 Biggest Opportunities WWE Missed At Wrestlemania 32

9. Properly Showcasing Any New Talent

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WrestleMania hasn't traditionally been the place where new ground is broken on the roster - that's a privilege usually reserved for the following night on RAW - but this year there was a palpable need for an injection of fresh blood. Especially towards the top of the card where over half of the names are men who've been in and around a WWE ring for over 15 years.

The predicted (in some cases, prayed for) run-ins, shocks and surprises never materialised though, and the two main matches on the card both finished with most of the audience keeping one eye on the ramp and their fingers secretly crossed. Surely, we all thought, there's no way this whole thing has been booked so badly that Taker and Reigns would pick up straight-forward wins.

Neither of the angles they were involved in were compelling enough on their own, but would have served as really strong platforms for something groundbreaking. Close your eyes for a minute and imagine Bullet Club costing Taker and coming out with Shane on RAW. There aren't enough exclamation marks in the world.

"But what about Baron Corbin!?" some of you screech from the darkness. Well, if putting NXT's 7th (8th if you count Zayn) most valuable commodity over while half of the audience are taking a piss or watching their Shane-off-the-top-of-the-cell video back on their phone is the best they've got, there's truly no hope for any of them.

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