9 Biggest Opportunities WWE Missed At Wrestlemania 32

2. Roman Reigns

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How do you solve a problem like Roman Reigns? Well, if you're WWE, you simply don't. You just turn his music up, lower all the audience mics, and pump fake cheers in to cover it up. Serving an unpalatable piece of meat in an overly spicy sauce, all in the misguided hope that people won't notice how much it sticks in the throat as they swallow it. Nando's booking.

In the build up to WrestleMania, every single fan speculated on how they could possibly end the show on a high. Could they turn Reigns heel mid-match? Could someone else get involved to change the dynamic? Could they somehow raise the bar so high with the performance that he finally won the crowd over? The idea of the predictable spear-outta-nowhere to cap off a by-the-numbers slugfest seemed so ridiculous, nobody really considered it.

And then it happened.

While WWE putting Reigns over to the displeasure of the paying public isn't anything new, doing it in the main event of WrestleMaina and telling us to like it probably represents the point of no return. Hundreds left the arena the moment the bell rang, and those who stayed for the confetti did so only to whaft it into the ring on a current of booing.

There weren't many ways to save this main event from itself, but by sticking their fingers in their ears and pretending everything was fine WWE have blown their biggest match of the calendar year and probably put a dent in the next few weeks' TV audience.

A heel-turn for a wrestler who was already getting booed would have been a weird way to close out WrestleMania, but it would have at least ensured that fans tuned in the next night.

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