9 Huge Problems With Big Show Vs Shaquille O'Neal At WWE WrestleMania 33

2. The Crowd WILL Turn

Shaq Show WrestleMania

In the modern era of super smart fans, wrestling viewers want to see exactly that: wrestling. Who woulda thought?

Big Show vs Shaquille O'Neal is not wrestling in every sense imaginable. The duo could shed a few hundred pounds between them, don blank trunks and start pulling off moves that would put Dean freakin' Malenko to shame and it still wouldn't be wrestling. It's a publicity stunt, and if the recent past has taught us anything, fans will reject it like the plague.

Thinking back on all the cross-promotional celebrities WWE has featured, the only ones who weren't mercilessly booed that come to mind are Jerry Springer and Ronda Rousey. That realisation paints a very sad and stereotypical picture of wrestling fans, mind you.

Not to mention that Shaq's two altercations with Big Show on WWE programming were already rejected, most notably during WrestleMania 32's Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. But then again, that was the same WrestleMania that featured 100,000 people cheering for Roman Reigns' world title victory, remember? (wink, wink)


Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden