9 Huge Problems With Big Show Vs Shaquille O'Neal At WWE WrestleMania 33

1. So... What Now?

Shaq Show WrestleMania

Further than pondering the manner in which they will compete, what is it that Show and Shaq can do in the ring exactly? It's safe to assume that a display of technical wrestling mastery is off the cards.

As much of a professional wrestling mainstay he has been over the past two decades, Big Show is getting a little long in the tooth. By his own admission he is within reach of the end of his career and wrestling more than a five-minute match is quickly becoming a stretch, as you'd expect for a 44-year-old, seven-foot, 450-pound guy who has wrestled for over 20 years.

Accross the hypothetical ring, you have Shaquille O'Neal, a man in similar rundown shape as Big Show but without any professional wrestling experience. Albeit over 100 pounds lighter, Shaq's 19 years worth of running up and down the floor have done a number on his body, especially his already surgically repaired left knee.

What happens when it comes down to just Big Show and Shaq, two mammoths tasked with appeasing a smark-filled Camping World Stadium in Orlando?


Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden