9 Insane Real-Life Scott Steiner Stories

6. Attacking Fans

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=322yuv9s9U0 It's generall accepted that if you buy a ticket to a wrestling show, you have the right to boo or cheer whoever you want, chant whatever comes into your head (within reason) and interact with the wrestlers themselves. This is all part of the experience and, 99% of the time it goes down without incident. Some fans, however, have gotten a little too close to Big Poppa Pump in the past. Or chanted something he didn't like. Or looked at him the wrong way. These infractions of etiquette have caused Steiner to snap and attack. Indeed, many times during the dying days of WCW, Steiner could be seen lunging at and trying to decapitate fans who shouted accusations that he was using steroids. Steiner hasn't mellowed with age, and recent videos uploaded on YouTube show him pie-facing fans who he felt were being disrespectful. If you're going to antagonise a wrestler at a live event, why, out of everyone on the card, would you chose to do so to Scott Steiner? Madness.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...