9 Insane Real-Life Scott Steiner Stories

5. Going On A Rampage Against J.J. Dillon

There were many times in WCW that Scott Steiner would just walk out to the ring, even though he wasn't scheduled for television time, and nobody would stop him. People were that afraid that Steiner would kill them that they just let him do what he wanted and if a match or a promo had to be, then it had to be cut. Placating Steiner was of much more importance. Somebody clearly didn't get the memo, because on the November 22nd 1998 Nitro Steiner was interrupted just before he was about to cut a promo. Kenny Kaos and JJ Dillon were doing an interview at the top of the entrance ramp when a furious Steiner charged at them and tried to get his hands on Dillon. Steiner's partner/handler Buff Bagwell was doing his best to hold him back, but Steiner was relentless. The Big Bad Booty Daddy grabbed the mic and yelled 'Screw you! Screw WCW! You suck and WCW sucks!' while marching towards Dillon, who was wisely making a hasty retreat to the locker room. They tried to do the segment again, but Steiner interrupted once more, flinging the announcer's chair and generally acting like a madman. Here's Steiner's take on what happened:
One time Eric (Bischoff) wasn't at a Nitro & they tried to mess with me there. J.J. (Dillon) came out & I was supposed to do an interview but they cut my music when I went to get the mic. J.J. Dillon came out & they started playing some other music. So I said f*** it, put the mic down & pushed him (J.J. Dillon) all the way back to the locker room. You could tell it was a f***ed segment.
A 'f***ed segment' indeed.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...