9 Mistakes WWE Made With The Debut Of The Cruiserweight Division

3. Limited Numbers

Brian Kendrick Clash of Champions

This may have been an issue that the company were simply unable to rectify, what with the tricky business of wrestlers having contractual obligations elsewhere. Still, the limited number of bodies that were initially recruited for the Cruiserweight division left a rather underwhelming taste in the mouth.

Week one saw just four Cruiserweights (Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander, Gran Metalik and Brian Kendrick) added to the mix, with little to no mention or more coming. Since then, we’ve obviously seen the likes of Tony Nese and Drew Gulak join the fray, as well as the champion TJ Perkins, but I can’t help but feel that it would have been better to have simply introduced these guys from the get-go.

Plus, with the increased use of jobbers in recent weeks, bringing in Nese and Gulak out of the blue almost made them feel like they were of a similar calibre to these “local athletes”. Obviously they’re not, and so they really should be treated accordingly.

Either way, and even if further bodies are brought in down the line, personally I think that the limited numbers with which the division kicked off were another issue surrounding its debut.


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