9 Mistakes WWE Made With The Debut Of The Cruiserweight Division

2. Not Integrating Current Stars

Brian Kendrick Clash of Champions

On a somewhat related note, many had been under the impression that the Cruiserweight division would feature more bodies on account of existing names being added to the ranks. Guys like Neville, Sami Zayn and more (who are hardly setting the world alight as it is) were widely expected to join the Cruiserweights and showcase their vastly under-utilised talents.

In a continuation of the dominant theme of this article though, that didn’t happen either.

On top of the fact that this would have given the likes of Neville and Zayn more television time, it might also have lent some credibility to the Cruiserweight division, at least in the eyes of the casual fans who weren’t as familiar with the Cruiserweight Classic.

Ultimately though, the Cruiserweight division appears to be an exclusive club for guys who weren’t previously a part of the company. That could yet change in the coming months, but again the division’s debut would surely have had a much greater impact if someone like Neville or Zayn had thrown their name into the hat from week one.


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