9 Mistakes WWE Made With The Debut Of The Cruiserweight Division

1. Putting The Cruiserweights On Raw

Brian Kendrick Clash of Champions

On our final note, we have a mistake that could be a little more open to debate, as well as one that at this point the company really can’t go back on.

Personally, I’ve always felt that the Cruiserweights should have been acquired as the exclusive property of SmackDown. Not only does the Tuesday night brand have an alarmingly thinner roster than Raw, but they’ve also got Mauro Ranallo and Daniel Bryan, two figures who grew to be synonymous with the Cruiserweight Classic and its popularity, in their ranks.

Of course, the counterargument to this is that SmackDown has been doing a pretty stellar job without the Cruiserweights as it is, and so perhaps it was indeed the Raw crew who were in direr need of the division.

Nonetheless, whichever side of the fence you stand on, it seems like it could be a little too late for the company to go back on this one now.

That being said, the majority of the previous points outlined here are all rather more minor, meaning that they could easily be ironed out in the coming weeks and months. Here’s hoping that proves to be the case, and that the reincarnation of the Cruiserweight division goes on to become the huge success that we all know it has the potential to be.


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