9 Most Disappointing Wrestling Cage Matches Of All Time

8. Undertaker Vs. Big Boss Man - Hell In A Cell, WrestleMania XV

The words Hell In A Cell are pretty much sacred to a certain generation of wrestling fans. It represents some of the most exciting moments the WWE has ever had. It's crimson masks and outrageous bumps. It's Mick Foley flying off the top of the cell and through the announce table. It's Mick Foley (again, naturally) getting blasted in the face with a flaming 2x4. It's the debut of Kane. So when two guys do their best to muck up the Hell In A Cell's glorious reputation--especially when one of them helped originate the gimmick--it's taken as a great offense. To be fair, Undertaker is a consummate pro who surely did his best to make Big Boss Man look like a valid threat. But there's just no way for anyone to believe Boss Man would legitimately beat the Phenom. Besides that, there was really no reason at all for this to take place inside the Cell. Despite Boss Man's brutish style lending itself quite well to this type of gimmick, they didn't utilize the cage in any meaningful way (unless you count the infamous assistance from The Brood after the match, which led to the supposed hanging of a man). http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbn8e9_undertaker-vs-big-bossman-wrestlema_sport It was short, it was bland (by other Hell In a Cell standards, at least), and the two didn't even have a fiery enough feud to make this match worthy of the ominous structure.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.