9 Most Disappointing Wrestling Cage Matches Of All Time

3. Al Snow Vs. Big Boss Man - Kennel From Hell, Unforgiven '99

Al Snow and Big Boss Man were both solid talents. They were never going to rise above the mid-card or big draws for the company, but during the Attitude Era they both proved themselves assets to the burgeoning Hardcore division. But their talents were not on display during this match, which featured a cage inside of a cage, with supposedly rabid police dogs between the two structures. Even Vince Russo, once again the "mastermind" behind this atrocity, refuses to defend the match and blames himself for the outcome (though he does toss some to the dogs). From Russo himself:
"This mess was 100% all on me. Envisioning six killer pit bulls foaming at the mouth just waiting to pounce on the Boss Man looking to shed him of a few pounds, I discounted the fact that we could have never 'really' known what we€™d get from the dogs."
And he's right. Because in the end, those "attack dogs" were about as vicious as a hot pastrami sandwich and much less likely to cause any lasting harm. But that didn't really matter, as long as the in-ring action was up to snuff. Sadly, the work between Snow and Boss Man was mediocre stuff, with no real tension or escalation to speak of. The two men simply couldn't compete with the spectacle of a bunch of pit bulls defecating at ringside and humping each other in the corner of the cage. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4e7bp_al-snow-vs-big-boss-man-unforgiven_sport That's ultimately a pretty fitting snapshot of their careers.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.