9 Pitches For WWE Ruthless Aggression Season 3

2. Chris Jericho’s Reinventions

Kurt Angle

While noting that Chris Jericho is a current employee of AEW, WWE did allow him to appear on Stone Cold Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions, even discussing his new place of business on the show. Ever the consummate businessman, Jericho appears to have maintained good terms with Vince McMahon, and so an episode of Ruthless Aggression highlighting his work wouldn’t be out of the question.

The ‘00s were arguably when Jericho really began to experiment with varying his persona and reinvent himself. Coming out of the Attitude Era, he seemed to be growing tired of Y2J. He left the company kicking and screaming in 2005, but in 2007 was reborn first as The Saviour and then in his hilarious, Anton Chiguhr-inspired besuited taciturn persona.

Jericho can talk about the business as intelligently as anyone, and while he has explained some of his thought processes behind the changes in brief, a dedicated episode concerning this period would be fascinating.

And that’s not even taking into account his matches of that era, most particularly the two superb feuds with Shawn Michaels that brought career best work from both men. Jericho was and continues to be an inspiring figure in the business - no matter who signs his paychecks, he’s a fascinating subject.

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Kurt Angle
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)