9 Pitches For WWE Ruthless Aggression Season 3

1. The SmackDown Six

Kurt Angle

Sometimes wrestling is very simple. Take six of the best hungry young wrestlers - Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Edge, Chris Benoit, and Eddie and Chavo Guerrero - and allow Paul Heyman to book them in any which way he desires, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come out with something good.

The Smackdown Six only had about a year in the spotlight, but in that time they were a can’t miss proposition. They put on great matches on TV in every combination imaginable, and in particular, cultivated a superb tag scene between the six of them. Each had such a clearly defined persona, as well as the desire to ascend. They weren’t the main event of the show - that tended to be Lesnar, Undertaker, and Big Show - but they were the reason you tuned in.

The high point was No Way Out 2002, where a tag team tournament culminated in Edge and Mysterio vs Angle and Benoit - it might still be the best duos match in company history - but every member got their chance to star, and every member would go on to hold a world title (if you include the WWE ECW title -sorry, Chavo).

The elephant in the room, of course, is Chris Benoit, whose final days likely preclude his inclusion. Discussing his importance and wrestling craft has understandably been decreed a no-go for WWE. Still, this talented group of wrestlers is worth acknowledging sans Benoit.

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Kurt Angle
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)