9 Reasons Chris Jericho Is The Greatest All-Round Performer In Wrestling History

3. He's One Of The Best On The Mic

Chris Jericho

Any list of greatest wrestling talkers has to include Chris Jericho, and if it doesn’t it’s immediately irrelevant with zero credibility. He’s a definite top ten and arguably top five promo, occupying that rare space alongside other megastars such as Flair, Austin, Rock and Rhodes.

One of the things that make him such a gifted talker is his ability to shift between styles. As a comedy act, there’s no one better, yet all it takes is one promo to convince both the fans and his opponent that he’s a serious threat again.

Y2J has given birth to and gotten bored of more catchphrases than one can count while most wrestlers struggle to develop just one marketable one. Even now it seems as if he’s coining phrases like “the list” and “IT!” on a near weekly basis. He’s someone who every young wrestler should study; for his ability to read a crowd, change with the times and tell a story with his microphone.


Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.