9 Reasons Ryback Returning As A Face Is Best For Business

1. He Has Experience In The Chase For The WWE World Heavyweight Championship

After five months of destroying jobbers left and right, Ryback finally got a respectable challenger in the Intercontinental Champion at the time, The Miz. In his first true test, Ryback pretty much destroyed the Miz in short fashion. Later on that night would be the moment that Ryback was thrusted into the main event spotlight. Earlier in the night Mick Foley had chewed out Punk in the ring for his attitude and demeanor, and at the end of this Raw, they crossed paths and Punk hit Foley with a shot to the gut. Punk was getting ready to walk away and then turned around to deliver more punishment to Foley, but he stopped cold in his tracks only to see Ryback standing there to protect Mick. At Hell In A Cell 2012, Ryback would get his first title shot against CM Punk, but his undefeated streak of 39 matches ended due to a low blow by Punk and a fast count by then referee Brad Maddox. Ryback would get another chance at Survivor Series the next month in a triple threat match with Cena and Punk, but unfortunately Ryback felt the wrath of the debut of The Shield who triple powerbombed him through a table. At Royal Rumble 2013, Ryback continued to be in the spotlight as he was in the final two with John Cena, but did not become victorious. In May of 2013, Ryback turned heel and would attack John Cena. The reason was because Cena didn't have his back in Ryback's battles with The Shield and it was time for Ryback to step out of Cena's shadow. Ryback would headline two pay per views with Cena in a Last Man Standing Match at Extreme Rules, and then a Three Stages Of Hell match at Payback. Still, Ryback would come up short and not be able to capture the WWE Championship. Ryback's entire body of main event work from late-2012 to mid-2013 gave him a large amount of experience that he had never had before in his career. It is not far fetched that a reboot of Ryback as a face with more personality would get over with the WWE Universe to the point where he can be in the main event scene again. There are many ways the WWE can go to bring him back, and with Ryback's drive and passion, he will once again be successful in the business. As always, thank you for reading my article, and you can follow me on Twitter - @JBHuskers.
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Jeremy Bennett has been a wrestling fan since he was a Little Stinger watching Saturdays at 5:05 at his Grandma's house. His past, present, and future favorites in the business are Ric Flair / Dean Ambrose / Finn Balor. He is a co-owner of the gaming website TheGamingTailgate.com. You can also find him on Twitter - @JBHuskers