9 Tales Hulk Hogan Just Told Ric Flair That Are Probably Bullsh*t

6. Dropping The Title To Roddy Piper

In an attempt at humility, Flair says that Hogan had it much tougher than he did because he top stars like Paul Orndorff and Roddy Piper breathing down his neck wanting to be champion, while Flair had to deal with a voting panel of nine people and the hopes that Harley Race would put him over. Hulk says that in the last three or four years he and Roddy Piper had become close friends to the point where they would tease each other about their careers. He says he told Piper that if he'd not been so stubborn and done a job for him that they could have flipped the belt back and forth three or four times and made a ton of money, but he couldn't trust Piper to do business since he wouldn't lay down for him. He claims that Piper was shocked at how things could have gone differently for him if he'd jobbed to Hogan. This is funny for a number of reasons, not the least of which the fact that Piper never cared about being champion in any federation he worked for. Add that to the fact there were plenty of guys who were willing to do those jobs for Hogan yet none of them ever "flipped the belt back and forth three or four times", so it's doubtful that would have happened with Piper, even if Hulk would have advocated for it. This segment also immediately follows one where Hogan talks about how being WWE champion was a shoot in the sense that the champion made more money than his challengers, while proudly proclaiming "You're d*mn right I was a politician, I wanted to keep making the most money."

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.