9 Tales Hulk Hogan Just Told Ric Flair That Are Probably Bullsh*t

5. Issues With Bret Hart

Hulk is asked why Bret Hart has taken so many things from his career personal, and the negative remarks he's made toward Hogan are referenced. Hulk says he isn't aware of what all Bret has said about him, other than hearing that he's called him derogatory names and that he's single handedly ruined his career, which he calls "all kinds of insane stuff." The Immortal says he was really looking forward to working with Bret when he came to WCW but then "he fell off that bike and had a stroke or something" to which Flair corrects him on it being a kick from Goldberg that initially ended his career and led to the stroke. Hulk says he remembers wrestling Bret in WCW and having to be extra cautious because of his condition but isn't sure if it was before the concussion or not, but says he has no ill will toward The Hitman and hopes he gets over whatever his issue is.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.