9 Things GFW Must Do Better Than Impact
2. Establish What The X-Division Means And Promote It

"The X-Division isn't about weight limits. It's about NO limits!" Yeah? Well, what the hell does that even mean?
That phrase has been with the company since 2002 and not once has it ever been explained. When Jerry Jarrett started the promotion, he didn't want to limit the division to wrestlers under 225 or 200 lbs, so he could occasionally bring in guys like the dreaded X to compete. But then, why are 99% of the competitors still on the lighter side of what most wrestlers are?
More troubling, though, is that the X-Division used to be one of the focal points of the product and it has been reduced to nothing more than random car crash type matches. Personalities weren't focused on, and instead, a bunch of guys would do flips for six minutes and call it a night.
In this current era, the division is getting some more love and actual 1-on-1 matches, but there's still a long ways to go to recover this thing. Much like the Knockouts, they need a bunch of new wrestlers. Besides Sonjay Dutt and Low Ki, no one is positioned as a serious threat. Caleb Konley never wins, Trevor Less is basically a jobber, Braxton Sutter is kind of bland, and Suicide should have never been brought back in the first place.
However, what they do have going for them is that the X-Division is still better than WWE's Cruiserweight Division. But they shouldn't just aspire for that easy goal. They should try to blow them away. Make GFW the destination to go to for fast-paced, chaotic, high-flying wrestling once again. It will take some work, but it's one of the easier things they can do to create some much needed buzz for the re-branding.