9 Things We Learned From Bruce Prichard's In Your House 8: Beware Of Dog Podcast

2. HBK's Interaction With Mr. Perfect Was A WWF Experiment

Mr Perfect Shawn Michaels

Cutting a rudimentary promo about how he would defend his own honour and the WWF Title against The British Bulldog that night, the reigning champion Shawn Michaels bumped into Mr. Perfect on his way to the Gorilla Position afterwards.

This was shown on camera, and Prichard says the WWF were merely experimenting to see how fans would react. Perfect was working as a backstage interviewer and announcer at the time, but there was interest in a potential return to the ring at some point.

Gauging how much fans would like to see Perfect challenge Michaels was the sole reason for this short segment. Although it wouldn't actually come to anything significant, Bruce says he and other producers enjoyed messing with the audience to see what reaction they gave.

A heel Mr. Perfect gunning for Shawn Michaels in 1996 would have been fantastic, had the former been fit and healthy enough to wrestle.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.