9 Things We May Never See In WWE Again
6. The Randy Orton Punt Kick

As alluded to in the introduction, even certain wrestling moves aren’t immune being censored by WWE. A prime example of this is Randy Orton’s punt kick, which was once a kind of super-finisher used sparingly by Orton, but has since been outlawed “due to concussion awareness”.
Now, obviously Randy Orton wasn’t really punting people in the head and leaving them with concussions, but kids watching at home didn’t necessarily know that. And if you’re running a PG show, it's kind of important to make sure your programming is suitable for kids.
The violent imagery of Orton’s punt kick, not to mention the fact that people could easily imitate it at home and subject their sibling/friend/other to a panicked trip to the emergency room, means that this one’s unlikely to make a re-appearance on WWE programming anytime soon.
That being said, with Orton currently nursing a concussion from his SummerSlam meeting with Brock Lesnar, I can't help but feel there’s a certain irony to one of his moves being banned on account of “concussion awareness”.