10 Times John Cena Lost Clean

4. Cashing In (Edge & Batista, New Year's Revolution 2006 & Elimination Chamber 2010)

The Money in the Bank cash-in was a little bit old hat by the time Orton cashed-in on Bryan at SummerSlam 2013. There had been one or two really well-done ones, but it had become fairly routine by August 2013. The Rated-R Superstar Edge was the first ever Money in the Bank ladder match winner and held onto the briefcase for around ten months. When he decided to cash-in, it was a truly surprising, mark out moment. Edge pinned Cena in just one minute and forty six seconds with a spear (after Cena had just retained his Championship in a gruelling Elimination Chamber match). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_2H6vIZR4g History repeated itself at the 2010 Elimination Chamber event, this time Batista was the beneficiary of Cena's tiredness. Quickly after winning the WWE Championship in the Chamber, Vince McMahon demanded that Cena put the title on the line against Big Dave right then and there. A quick spear and Batista Bomb and thirty seconds later The Animal was the new WWE Champion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMyCQhXdtYw
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...