9 Times Triple H Stole The Spotlight

5. WrestleMania XIX

Triple H Raw

Having won the World Heavyweight Championship at Armageddon 2002, and successfully defended the belt at the Royal Rumble and No Way Out, Triple H had every right to enter WrestleMania XIX with the title in tow.

Leaving the show as champion, though, was quite another matter, especially when you look at the way his feud with Booker T had played out.

Booker had set himself on a collision course with Triple H after winning a Battle Royal on the 24 February Raw to establish himself as the number one contender. Triple H responded by cutting a promo on his new challenger—a promo that rang of racist undertones with 'the Game' noting that “somebody like you doesn’t get to be world champion.”

It was later claimed that the champ was referring to Booker’s criminal past, but even if that was the case, a storyline like that should really set up the babyface to win.

Instead though, the heel who thinks criminals shouldn’t get a second chance was the one who won on the biggest stage and after just a single Pedigree—a Pedigree that he took a good few seconds to capitalise on, as well.

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Triple H
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