9 Ups & 1 Down For AEW Collision (Dec 16 - Results & Review)

2. Desperate Eddie Kingston Is Always A Good Time

AEW Collision Eddie Kingston Daniel Garcia

Nobody in pro wrestling is as outright believable as Eddie Kingston; a master storyteller who can pull on a wide array of emotions at the drop of a dime. Here, the Mad King needed to win to stay in the Continental Classic, but he had a bum wheel that the meticulous Daniel Garcia was looking to exploit at every turn.

To compare this to a wrestling video game, Eddie was the player whose left leg was throbbing red but who still had a few finishers saved up. While Garcia continued to out-wrestle Kingston and constantly target that leg, the knackered Yonkers man was desperately looking to spam those finishers at any opportunity.

Eddie would unleash barrages of stiff chops - some of the machine gun variety, of course - try for his patented backfist, and just simply scratch and claw for any sort of offense as he struggled to even stand, such was the damage done to his leg. And when Kingston was on offense, Garcia was similarly great as the beaten-down, overpowered technician on the receiving end of a desperate, damage brawler who's capable of doing hefty damage should his strikes and suplexes land.

On a wider topic, some might take umbrage with Daniel Garcia having lost every single one of his Continental Classic matches, but all of those bouts have showcased Garcia as being able to hang - but ultimately just come up short - against some of AEW's finest names. Coming out of this, the future is clearly still extremely bright for Red Death, with this tournament having once again highlighted what an in-ring talent Garcia is.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.