9 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (13 March)

4. Roman's Realistic Dialogue

Roman Reigns Michael Cole

It was really interesting to see how comfortable SmackDown's roster was in the atmosphere vacuum of the Performance Center. Roman Reigns, in particular, came out looking like a complete natural. None of his dialogue was contrived, and he flourished without trolls there chanting "What?" or booing him.

When asked about Bill Goldberg, Reigns said he didn't like part-timers scooping up big spots at WrestleMania, and that's why he wanted to win in Tampa. Following up, Roman knocked the 'Spear vs. Spear' branding WWE has given the match and said it was about way more than one move.

That was smart, because it spoke to fans who think beyond superficial hype.

If only WWE's locker room could harness this kind of confidence in front of live crowds who perhaps aren't always receptive to their promos. The total lack of WWE-style comedy and delivery from Reigns helped this segment sing. He was like a real human being from start to finish.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.