9 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Dynamite (Apr 15)
1. Archer & Cabana Hit Every Beat

Lance Archer vs. Colt Cabana was everything it should have been, delivering on the effective one-night build in an opener that saw both men presented perfectly.
Cabana got over in defeat. Rather than coming off looking dumb or weak, he played it smart, slipping and sliding away from the big man with crafty, clever counters. Holding 'The Murderhawk Monster' in an arm wrench kept him from doling out punishment. When Colt got a tad too cutesy, he paid for it. A dominant control sequence saw Archer pummel Cabana with his sick, sharp offense and though he ate a Bionic Elbow for a comeback, Lance eventually took his opponent off the top rope for a super Blackout, scoring the victory.
This was two experienced professionals out there working like experienced professionals, getting themselves, the story, and the match over. You can't ask for anything more than that. They delivered all that could be expected of them and the bout was a triumph in both preserving Archer as a monster and making Colt a credible underdog.