9 Ups & 3 Downs From ROH Final Battle 2022

1. Match Of The Year?

ROH Final Battle Briscoes FTR Jay Briscoe Dax Harwood Cash Wheeler

Yet again, FTR and the Briscoes put on something magnificent at Final Battle.

Having already delivered two Match of the Year candidates earlier this year, these two tandems may well have somehow topped those prior outings in their latest encounter. This time, it was Dem Boys getting the W, with Jay Briscoe choking out Dax Harwood for the victory, but it was wrestling fans who were the real winners here.

FTR and the Briscoes have long been two of the best tag teams on the planet, and this bout was a prime example of fantastic professional wrestlers delivering fantastic professional wrestling. The chemistry between Jay, Mark, Dax and Cash is absolutely off the charts, and their Final Battle bout - much like their previous two meetings - is the sort of match that'll be immediately referenced and looked back on whenever either of these teams hang up their boots.

A brutal 22-minute offering, the double dog-collar contest was worth the price of the PPV alone and was a brutal, bloody, brilliant final leg of one of the all-time great trilogies.

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Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.