9 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling & NJPW Multiverse United (Review)

7. Young Lions No More

Gabriel Kidd Yuya Uemura
IMPACT Wrestling

The broadcast team made a point out of Gabriel Kidd and Yuya Uemura having graduated from NJPW's Young Lions system, though the onset of the match provided a conflicting opinion. Kidd and Uemura wrestled what was almost an exhibition, holding back in their strikes and being dependent on the endearing catch-as-catch-can style.

But when it changed, it was cruel.

It was a good match. Not remotely blow-away great but for a pre-show match that's supposedly between two recently-graduated prospects, it was an admirably stiff match. Kidd's influences were observable throughout; it was noted that his 'Young Bull' mantra is shaped by Hiroyoshi Tenzan, which was immediately detectable. He laid it in thick with his strikes, almost mocking Uemura in his movements, and at one stage constricting Yuya's breathing while sitting atop the turnbuckle. It was criminal, yet dignified.

Uemura conclusively downed Kidd, which was arguably the right call as he's the more heated of the duo. It helped that the match was just plain fun, too. Pre-shows often have a penchant for generating little-to-no heat, however, that rule wasn't in effect here as the live, legitimate sold-out audience thundered throughout.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.