9 Ups & 5 Downs From AEW Dynamite (Mar 25)
4. Lee Mauls QT
Speaking of effective squashes, how about Brodie Lee vs. QT Marshall?
Like Hager vs. Adams, this was everything it needed to be. Marshall was a good guy for Lee to maul as he's more established than any local enhancement guy and has cache as a result. He never stood a chance, enjoying only a single tiny hope spot as 'The Exalted One' beat him down inside the ring and out, using the environment to great effect shortly after knocking his block off with an early Big Boot. He looked tremendous - and hungry.
A Black Hole Slam followed by the Discus Lariat put QT away. Afterwards, Lee left a Dark Order mask for his fallen foe, though the Natural Nightmares' recent thrust means this was probably just a red herring.