9 Ups And 10 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 6 )
10. No Match

It happens from time to time that a scheduled match doesn’t take place.
But when it happens in back-to-back segments? That’s just lazy booking.
First, we were robbed of an interesting bout between The Revival and Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson due to a stupidity that will be mentioned later. And so Gallows & Anderson were just stand-ins for opponents, as they weren’t needed at all. But hey, they got on TV, right?
Then, No Way Jose danced out for a match, only for Lars Sullivan to invade from SmackDown, come down and run through the entire jobber phalanx, er, conga line and take out Jose himself.
It’s not a horrible crime for this to happen, but it literally was one right after the other, which just was poorly done.