9 Ups And 7 Downs From WWE SummerSlam 2021

2. Disappointing Match To Set Up Rematch(?)

Goldberg Bobby Lashley

The WWE Championship match between Goldberg and Bobby Lashley seemed to promise a short, simple match. Punch, spear, spear, spear, spear, pin. Champ retains, Hall-of-Famer rides off into the sunset after a hard-hitting match that puts over champion.

But instead, we got a bit of back-and-forth, followed up by an injury angle, with MVP blasting Goldberg with a cane and then Lashley targeting the legend’s knee with chop blocks and ramming it into the post. After a handful of these moves, Goldberg was unable to stand, which prompted the referee to throw the match out.

Yep, a world title match between two brutes who boast the spear as a finisher ended on ref stoppage because Goldberg’s knee buckled. Seriously. And then to really make it worse, Lashley attacked with a chair, then put Goldberg’s 15-year-old son Gage in the Hurt Lock after he attacked the champ.

All of this is seemingly setting up a rematch at Crown Jewel later this fall, which was announced Saturday for October. Great, so now we’re using the second biggest PPV of the year to set up rematches for a Saudi Arabia PPV that historically has been little more than a glorified super house show.


Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.