9 Ways To Improve TNA Impact Wrestling

6. Booking

BeFunky_booking TNA has a lot of really good talent but most of them aren't in a position to succeed. Four out of the eights guys above should be in singles action competing for titles (Daniels, Roode, Aries, Storm) but instead they're stuck in tag team matches that don't go anywhere. I understand the need to push tag teams but these are the wrong guys to do it with. It needs to be done with the young guys or guys that don't see much in ring time like most of the OTHER Aces & Eights members. Speaking of the Aces & Eights, I know TNA wants to push them since they draw a lot of heat BUT other than Bully Ray they don't have a legitimate star. Since their creation, they've seen a lot of tv time. Too much tv time. Forcing Brooke Hogan down our thoughts via Bully Ray is just another case of bad booking. Having Hogan feud with Bully is the ULTIMATE case of bad booking. Hogan's only interested in himself and having him book himself in the main event on a consistant basis is utterly ridiculous. Dixie NEEDS to get the right people in the right places and Hogan isn't it... but I digress. Enough Hogan bashing for one article. You know who I don't hate? #5 on the list.
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TNA Impact
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Former member of Jesse and the Rippers. Obsessed with wrestling. I'd only wear sweat pants and jerseys if it were socially acceptable. Beard enthusiast. Lover of sports, gaming, tattoos, writing, music, poker, tv, movies, food, sarcasm, laughing, debating and all things Louis C.K. and Larry David. Also if you have and or ever thought about wearing a visor and or fanny pack, I'm afraid we can't be friends.