9 Ways To Make Sure WWE Fastlane 2016 Doesn't Suck

1. Roman Reigns Turns Heel

I know we€™re beating a dead horse here but sometimes those horse corpses are pounded on for a reason. The time is right for the Roman Reigns turn. Any rehab that had been done on his character seems to be all for naught, and we€™re back to him receiving negative-to-mixed reactions again. Roman€™s in this weird spot where the fans cheer for him in the moment but any mention of Mania, the championship or him becoming €œthe guy€ is met with vehement opposition. The brief tease between he and Dean on Raw showed that the crowd would be behind Ambrose should they turn him, and knowing WWE they think switching Dean heel will help get Reigns over as a face. Spoiler alert: It won€™t. Have Dean win the triple threat and Reigns lose his sh*t due to his frustration. Then he takes it out on his best friend who has cost him yet another chance at being champion. Go full on spoiled brat mode, with all the €œyou people don€™t deserve a champion like me€ promos he can possibly cut, embrace the hate and get this over like he should be. Then you can do what several others have advocated and send him to Mania as a heel against Taker and have him cheat like hell to beat The Deadman, and you€™ve got all the makings of your #1 villain. It shouldn€™t be this hard.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.