9 Wrestlers Who Went To Insane Lengths Researching Their Gimmicks

6. Nikita Koloff

BT Michael Cole

These days, whenever American wrestling promotions fancy introducing a cartoonish Russian man with an intense loathing for the United States onto its screen, they at least have the common courtesy to cast someone who actually comes from Russia (or, failing that, Bulgaria).

But 30 years ago they didn't have that luxury, which meant that the role of Nikita Koloff had to be filled by an American named Nelson Scott Simpson, who probably didn't even subscribe to the basic tenets of communism.

Simpson, however, was more than up to the task. In fact, according to some sources, not just content with affecting a generic Eastern European accent at all times, he actually went so far as to learn how to speak Russian in preparation.

That kind of puts Lana's attempts at playing a Russian into perspective. She only bothered with the accent, and even that she forgets about every time she appears on Total Divas. For shame.

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Michael Cole
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