9 Wrestlers Who Went To Insane Lengths Researching Their Gimmicks

5. The Iron Sheik

BT Michael Cole

The Iron Sheik prepared for his role by adopting a completely new and pretty bold physical look - one that probably wasn't all the rage in the United States during the early 1970s.

Essentially, it involved shaving his head bald and growing what is sometimes referred to as a "buffalo moustache" (in that its shape kind of resembles the horns of a buffalo). That sounds simple enough, but virtually all of today's WWE cast look like runway models, so it's worthy of praise all the same.

The more interesting part is how Sheik developed his character over the months and years ahead. He seems to have taken method acting further than any wrestler before or since, epitomised by that legendary time he went on an expletive-filled rant during a shoot interview.

Of course, it also raises the question of whether he really is playing a character, or he's simply being himself. We'll probably never know for sure, but either way it's fair to say that he's dedicated to the craft like few others.

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Michael Cole
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